Tagged: National Security Division

Life Sciences Company Escapes Criminal Charges for Employee’s Illegal Export Scheme

Life Sciences Company Escapes Criminal Charges for Employee’s Illegal Export Scheme

Sigma-Aldrich, Inc., d/b/a MilliporeSigma (“MilliporeSigma”), a U.S. life sciences company based in Massachusetts, escaped criminal charges for export control violations, despite a former sales person’s scheme to illegally export products to China.  DOJ cited the favorable resolution as proof of the National Security Division’s commitment to its voluntary disclosure program.  MilliporeSigma was the first company to resolve an investigation for export control violations under DOJ/NSD’s...

2023 Sanctions Year in Review and Predictions

2023 Sanctions Year in Review and Predictions

As always, I tend to repeat myself.  However, one important point needs to be repeated — DOJ is in the midst of launching an aggressive sanctions and export control program against corporations and individuals.  DOJ has warned everyone, repeated this message in various speeches and, most importantly, assigned the resources — 25 new federal prosecutors to enforce sanctions and export controls — to back up...

DOJ Repeats Warnings on Aggressive Criminal Enforcement of Sanctions and Export Controls

DOJ Repeats Warnings on Aggressive Criminal Enforcement of Sanctions and Export Controls

As everyone knows, I tend to repeat myself — DOJ does as well.  Over the past year, DOJ has warned global companies — over and over — about the coming criminal enforcement storm against companies for sanctions and export control violations.  Deputy Attorney General Monaco coined the phrase — “the new FCPA,” to reiterate that companies would be prosecuted akin to FCPA enforcement, meaning that...

Episode 266 — Joint Compliance Notice Issued on Sanctions and Export Controls Evasion

Episode 266 — Joint Compliance Notice Issued on Sanctions and Export Controls Evasion

As we have noted on numerous occasions, the U.S. Russia Sanctions and Export Control Program is unprecedented and a compliance challenge for all organizations.   In another unprecedented action, the Justice Department and the Departments of Commerce and Treasury issued a Joint Compliance Note (“JCN”) on the importance of compliance with the Russia Sanctions and Export Control requirement, which provides important descriptions of red flags and...

Navigating DOJ and OFAC Voluntary Disclosures for Sanctions Violations

Navigating DOJ and OFAC Voluntary Disclosures for Sanctions Violations

The Department of Justice is pushing its commitment to voluntary disclosure programs.  Companies, however, are not lining up at DOJ’s door.  The balance between sitting tight or voluntary disclosures requires care. To complicate matters further, in certain cases, regulated companies have to face civil enforcement issues and coordinate voluntary disclosure programs offered by regulatory agencies.   A perfect example of this dual track situation is compliance...

Voluntary Self-Disclosure — DOJ’s Enforcement Engine

Voluntary Self-Disclosure — DOJ’s Enforcement Engine

The Department of Justice and many regulatory agencies have rolled out the red carpet for companies to cross the threshold and voluntarily disclose criminal conduct in the hopes of gaining leniency, immunity and reduced fines and penalties.  From DOJ’s perspective, a voluntary disclosure program increases DOJ’s ability to prosecute more organizations and individuals engaged in wrongdoing.  Whether DOJ’s voluntary disclosure efforts have been as successful...

Sanctions Enforcement: “The New FCPA”

Sanctions Enforcement: “The New FCPA”

Hold onto your hats – while we are on the cusp of more FCPA enforcement actions, the Justice Department and OFAC are gearing up for real and significant sanctions enforcement actions.  The dye is cast, so here we go.  Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco was recently quoted stating that sanctions enforcement is the “new FCPA.” This is not so surprising given the global crisis caused...