Tagged: South Africa

McKinsey Company’s Bribery Scheme — A Familiar Pattern in South Africa (Part II of III)

The McKinsey FCPA case follows several other significant cases involving South Africa.  ABB and SAP resolved FCPA cases involving bribes in South Africa; on the SEC front, Gartner resolved a bribery case involving South Africa. Like these other cases, McKinsey’s bribery scheme focused on two important state-owned enterprises: Transnet Ltd, the South African company responsible for operation of ports, rails and pipelines; and Eskom Ltd.,...

SAP Returns to U.S. Enforcement Scene: Pays DOJ and SEC Over $220 Million to Resolve FCPA Violations (Part I of III)

SAP Returns to U.S. Enforcement Scene: Pays DOJ and SEC Over $220 Million to Resolve FCPA Violations (Part I of III)

Life is always filled with surprises.  Just when we thought 2023 was a “slow” FCPA enforcement year, DOJ and SEC announced a large enforcement action against SAP for approximately $220 million for FCPA violations in South Africa, and Indonesia.  The SEC’s enforcement action for $98 million includes SAP FCPA violations in Greater Africa and Azerbaijan. SAP is no stranger to U.S, enforcement agencies.  In 2021,...