Tagged: third party agent

Ericsson Pays $1 Billion for Systemic FCPA Violations (Part I of II)

Ericsson Pays $1 Billion for Systemic FCPA Violations (Part I of II)

The Sweden-based telecommunications company, Ericsson, agreed to a pay a total of $1 billion (yes, billion with a “B”) for FCPA violations.  Ericsson entered into settlement agreements with DOJ and the SEC.  Ericsson agreed to pay a criminal penalty of over $520 million and approximately $540 million to the SEC.  An Ericsson subsidiary in Egypt entered a guilty plea to an FCPA conspiracy to violate...

Embraer Finally Lands $205 Million FCPA Settlement (Part I of II)

After years of investigation, disclosures, and press reports, the Embraer FCPA case finally came to a close. Hopefully, we will not see more of these long-term, seemingly endless investigations. The Justice Department and the SEC have publicly committed to moving FCPA investigations more expeditiously. In any event, Embraer settled its case for $205 million with the Justice Department and the SEC. The case itself has...

DOJ and SEC Deliver Body Blow to Private Equity and Hedge Funds: Och-Ziff Settles FCPA Violations for $412 Million (Part I)

The Justice Department and the Securities Exchange Commission delivered a powerful FCPA enforcement message to private equity and hedge funds. Och-Ziff settled with the DOJ and SEC for total penalties of $412 million. The comprehensive enforcement action and settlement included: (1) a 3 year deferred prosecution agreement (“DPA”); (2) a criminal plea to four criminal counts, two FCPA conspiracy counts, and a books and records...