Tagged: third-party risk manmagement

Blue Umbrella Webinar: Anti-Corruption Risks and Compliance Trends in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Life Science Industries

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 1 PM EST Sign-Up HERE Pharmaceutical, medical device and life science companies continue to face escalating anti-corruption risks in the global marketplace.  Companies in these industries face a complex global maze of foreign government laws and regulations that create significant risks for global companies in these sectors. The U.S. Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and foreign law enforcement...

Steele Webinar: Top 6 Due Diligence Best Practices Third-Party Risk Management

Steele Webinar: Top 6 Due Diligence Best Practices Third-Party Risk Management

Steele Webinar: Top 6 Due Diligence Best Practices Third-Party Risk Management April 16, 2020, 11 AM EST Sign Up HERE Faced with complex, global third-party networks, it’s more critical than ever for companies to have an effective strategy for evaluating and monitoring third-party risk. Without continuous monitoring and a strong anti-bribery anti-corruption (ABAC) program, companies can find themselves the target of multiple enforcement actions for...

Rebalancing Third-Party Risk Strategies

Rebalancing Third-Party Risk Strategies

As companies move forward on third-party risk management programs, and as automated third-party risk solutions are being implemented, compliance professionals have to re-examine and re-balance the allocation of resources and time among three separate functions: (1) onboarding due diligence; (2) monitoring third-party conduct; and (3) review and audit of third-parties.  Over the last ten years, companies have focused on initial due diligence and onboarding procedures,...

Episode 30 — Common Due Diligence Problems (Part III of III)

Episode 30 — Common Due Diligence Problems (Part III of III)

Companies continue to face significant risks from their third parties.  In response, companies are implementing sophisticated due diligence and third party risk management systems.  FCPA enforcement risks are only one of several risks created by a company’s third parties.  Companies have to screen and review their third parties for corruption, sanctions, money laundering, antitrust, human trafficking, child labor and reputational risks. In this three-part series,...