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Sign Up Now for 4 New Webinars — FCPA Compliance, Internal Investigations and Congressional Investigations

Volkov Law GroupThe Volkov Law Group is conducting four free webinars over the next three weeks — Sign Up Now for these important and informative webinars.

How to Conduct High-Stakes, High-Profile Internal Investigations: July 18, 2013, 12 Noon – 1 PM EST: Sign Up Here

Companies caught in the government cross-hairs for potential corruption, antitrust, fraud, export violations and other significant civil and criminal violations initiate internal investigations as an important step in defending the company from serious government prosecutions. When high-profile allegations of misconduct are made against a company, federal and state prosecutors often rely on independent internal investigations conducted by outside counsel to determine the nature and scope of any potential violations and to sort through potential prosecutions of the company and individual officers and employees.
In the high-stakes internal investigation, companies face a unique mix of risks which include not only the results of an independent internal investigation but can include Congressional response, collateral civil litigation, and serious reputational damage.internalinvestigations

FCPA Compliance for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies: July 19, 2013, 12 Noon – 1 PM EST;  Register Here

The Department of Justice and the SEC continue to target pharmaceutical and medical device companies for FCPA enforcement. Seventeen companies have settled FCPA civil and/or criminal charges and another eighteen companies are under investigations. Given DOJ’s and SEC’s enforcement program against the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, companies need to redouble their compliance efforts. Pharmaceutical and medical device companies face unique and significant risks in the global marketplace and have to design, implement and monitor their compliance program with sufficient resources and effective policies and procedures.

Congressional Investigations: Unique Risks and Dangers: July 30, 2013, 12 Noon – 1 PM EST, Register Here

We have all watched the familiar scene on Capitol Hill – individuals involved in the latest public scandal are dragged up to Capitol Hill to appear before a Committee, raise their right hands, take the oath and then assert their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. It is a scene that happens all too often, and one that carries its own set of legal and reputational risks. The risks to businesses from a Congressional investigation involve criminal and civil prosecutions from referrals to Executive Branch prosecutors and regulators, and significant reputational damage from a high-profile Congressional inquiry.

Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov Group, and Phil Kiko, Vice Chairman at The congress2Smith-Free Group, as they discuss Congressional investigations and provide valuable insights for companies facing possible investigation by a Congressional Committee.

FCPA Compliance Workshop:  How to Conduct an Effective Risk Assessment: July 31, 2013, 12 Noon – 1 PM EST; Sign Up Here

The foundation of every Anti-Corruption Compliance Program is a Risk Assessment. The DOJ and SEC FCPA Guidance emphasized the importance of building an “effective” compliance program using a risk-based approach. As a result, companies need to conduct a careful risk analysis of corruption risks.

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