Volkov Law Group Webinars on ITunes

ItunesI am pleased to announce that The Volkov Law Group’s recorded webinars can now be downloaded from ITunes.

As many of you know, The Volkov Law Group maintains a You Tube Channel that includes recordings of all the webinars we have conducted over the past two years.  The You Tube Channel is here.

To expand access to these recordings, we have created podcasts of the webinars so that you can download them and listen or watch them using more convenient technologies. There are five up now and we will be adding more over the next several weeks. This should allow you to download and play on the go. If there are any specific webinars you would like to access on ITunes just let us know and we will prioritize those. You can find them here.

Thank you for all your support — we hope you find the webinars helpful.

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