Join Us for a May 16, 2019 BVD Webinar: “Is “Power and Control” the New Beneficial Ownership?

What are the new best practices for third-party risk management?
Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov Law Group; Bill Hauserman, Senior Director, Compliance Solutions, Bureau van Dijk, a Moody’s Analytics Company; and Ted Datta, Director, Governance, Risk and Compliance Solutions, Bureau van Dijk, for a live webinar on Thursday May 16, 2019, at 11 am EST/4 pm BST.
Please sign up HERE.
New anti-corruption regulations and advancements in technology have put significant pressure on banks and corporations to get their compliance right. Have their third-party due diligence programs evolved enough to keep up with these changes? Especially at a time when ‘fake news’ is a hot topic and managing false positive results creates new challenges?
In this webinar, we’ll explore what banks and corporations can do to improve their existing due diligence programs to mitigate risk and to identify not just ownership, but also where the power and control is in an organization.
We will explore:
- The complexity of ownership structures and understanding who the ultimate owner is
- Why is it interesting to look where the power and control is and how can it be done?
- Third-party due diligence programs and their evolution in the new regulatory environment
- The wide array of available RegTech solutions and how to make the right choice for your organization
- Best practices of risk assessment and data management
Who should attend:
- Professionals at financial
institutions and corporations involved in:
- Customer due diligence and enhanced due diligence
- KYC on-boarding and review
- AML compliance
- Sanctions screening
- Transaction monitoring
- Advisers, law firms, consultants
- Law enforcement, investigators, government agencies
Continuing Education Credit: Participants of the live 60 minute webinar with Q&A will qualify for a Certificate to use as credit towards CPE (subject to rules of state bodies).

Michael Volkov, CEO at The Volkov Law Group: Michael Volkov has over 30 years of experience in practicing law. A former federal prosecutor and veteran white-collar defense attorney, Mike is an expert in compliance, internal investigations and enforcement matters. Mike was a federal prosecutor for over 25 years and has extensive trial experience in federal court. He also served as chief crime and terrorism counsel for the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. Mike maintains a highly popular FCPA blog – Corruption, Crime & Compliance. He is a regular speaker at events around the globe and is frequently cited in the media for his knowledge on criminal issues, enforcement matters, compliance and corporate governance. Mike is licensed in Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Bill Hauserman, Senior Director, Compliance Solutions, Bureau van Dijk, a Moody Analytics Company: Bill joined Bureau van Dijk in 2016 after 12 years designing global compliance and ethics programs for SAI Global and NAVEX Global. With 25 years’ management experience, he is focused on anti-corruption compliance solutions, and has spent the last seven years focused primarily on the perplexing problem of creating efficient due diligence technology and content for truly understanding the risks of customers and business partners.

Ted Datta, Director, Governance Risk and Compliance Solutions, Bureau van Dijk, a Moody’s Analytics Company: Ted joined Bureau van Dijk in 2010. Ted has specific expertise in helping organizations streamline their third party due-diligence, on-boarding and risk management processes. He is a regular contributor to Europe’s leading procurement, supplier management and governance risk and compliance forums. Ted also provides ongoing market feedback to ensure Bureau van Dijk’s development strategy meets the evolving needs of today’s risk management professionals.