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Why a Duck — Episode 5, Horsefeathers and the Juniper Networks FCPA Enforcement Action

From Vaudeville to the Silver Screen to the Small Screen, the Marx Brothers made an impact wherever people found them. Now Tom Fox and Mike Volkov have wedded their love of the Marx Brothers with their passion for compliance and bring them into the boardroom to help explain and explore the sometimes-chaotic world of governance, risk-management, ethics and compliance.

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In this episode they discuss the movie Horsefeathers and how it informs the recent Juniper Networks FCPA enforcement action.  Highlights from the podcast include:

  1. Why was this enforcement action so significant (or not)?
  2. Why does third-party management continue to bedevil so many companies?
  3. Why AP is a key gatekeeper for a best practices compliance program?
  4. What are some of the key lessons learned for the compliance professional?
  5. How does data analytics from this enforcement action inform compliance programs going forward?
  6. Why is GTE such a low hanging fruit for compliance programs?
  7. Why are slush funds so problematic under the FCPA?

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