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Webinar: DOJ’s New Corporate Enforcement Policy — Taking Compliance to the Next Level

Webinar: DOJ’s New Corporate Enforcement Policy — Taking Complaince to the Next Level

October 25, 2022

12 Noon EST


The Biden Department of Justice promised a tough, new approach to white collar enforcement. In a series of steps, the Justice Department has set out a new and comprehensive approach to corporate criminal enforcement with a direct and immediate impact across the Justice Department.

As part of this new approach, the Justice Department has adopted new guidance with respect to effective ethics and compliance programs. At the core of its strategy, DOJ is seeking to elevate the status of the Chief Compliance Officer in the corporate governance landscape. In addition, the Justice Department has mandated that companies create appropriate incentives (and disincentives) to mandate compliance by all relevant corporate actors. DOJ’s action is bold and innovative and has significant implications for corporate compliance programs.

Join Michael Volkov for a review of these new initiatives and the implications for corporate compliance.

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