Webinar: DOJ’s New M&A Enforcement Policy — Due Diligence and Integration

December 6, 2023
12 Noon EST
The Department of Justice recently announced revisions to its Merger and Acquisition Corporate Enforcement Policy to encourage voluntary self-disclosures. DOJ Deputy Attorney General Monaco outlined the new Mergers & Acquisitions Safe Harbor Policy. Under this new Policy, companies that promptly and voluntarily disclose criminal misconduct within the Safe Harbor period, and then cooperate with the resulting investigation, engage in timely and appropriate remediation and pay applicable restitution and disgorgement, will receive a presumption of a declination.
Specifically, DOJ announced the following timelines governing the Safe Harbor Policy: (1) Companies must disclose misconduct discovered (whether pre-or post-acquisition) at the acquired entity within six (6) months from the date of closing; and (2) Companies will then have one year from the date of closing to fully remediate the misconduct.
In this webinar, Michael Volkov will review practical steps companies should implement as part of their merger and acquisition process.