Category: Events

Webinar: Anti-Corruption Compliance in Pharma and Medical Device Industries

Webinar: Anti-Corruption Compliance in Pharma and Medical Device Industries February 26, 2019, 12 Noon EST Sign up HERE FCPA enforcement against drug and device companies continues at a robust rate. Given the high-risk nature of pharmaceutical and medical device industries and significant interactions with foreign government officials, drug and device companies face a number of challenges in designing and implementing effective anti-corruption compliance programs.  Join...

Complimentary NAVEX Global Webinar: Best Practices for Vendor Risk Profiling

Webinar: Best Practices for Vendor Risk Profiling February 6, 2019, 10 AM PST/1 PM EST Sign Up HERE Third-party vendors expose your organization to risk. How you manage your vendors—from onboarding, to identifying and scoring risk, to ongoing monitoring—has a huge impact on your business. Multi-factor modeling and risk profiling is crucial to minimizing your risk and staying ahead of regulators and third-party-related reputational damage. But how do you...

Webinar: 2018 OFAC Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance Trends

Webinar: 2018 Review of OFAC Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance Trends January 15, 2019, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE The Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control had a busy year — first imposing the Russian Oligarch Sanctions Program and re-imposing the Iran Sanctions Program; and in the second-half of 2018, OFAC resumed its steady enforcement of sanctions.   Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The...

Webinar: Review of 2018 FCPA Enforcement and Compliance Trends

Webinar: Review of 2018 FCPA Enforcement January 8, 2019, 12 Noon EST Sign up HERE In 2018, the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission continued aggressive enforcement of the FCPA. The Justice Department’s FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy has begun to bear fruit, and the SEC has continued its steady rate of enforcement. Interestingly, the Justice Department increased the number of criminal indictments...

Convercent Webinar — FCPA Enforcement: What Happened in 2018? (Plus, What’s in Store For 2019)

Join Tom Fox, Katie Smith and me on December 18, 2018 at 11am Mountain Time during a dynamic webinar reviewing the  top FCPA enforcement actions of the year. Sign Up HERE More importantly, what does it all mean for the compliance professional going forward? How can companies mitigate third-party risks to avoid enforcement actions like the $585 million criminal penalty given to Société Générale or the $137.4 penalty levied...

Webinar: Measuring Your Compliance Program: Data and Analytics

Webinar: Measuring Your Compliance Program: Data and Analytics December 4, 2018, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE As companies’ ethics and compliance programs mature, chief compliance officers are focusing on important questions relating to compliance program performance, how to measure program performance and what types of data should be collected and analyzed. Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov Law Group, as he discusses best...

Webinar: Advanced Ethics and Compliance Program Design

Webinar: Advanced Ethics and Compliance Program November 6, 2018, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE As companies’ ethics and compliance programs mature, chief compliance officers face new challenges to evolve their compliance programs. CCOs have to make important decisions on how to address the company’s culture, commitment to organization justice, changing risk profiles and global performance. Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov Law Group,...

Webinar: The False Claims Act — Enforcement Risks and Compliance Trends

Webinar: The False Claims Act — Enforcement Risks and Compliance Trends Tuesday, October 10, 2018 Sign Up Here Companies in the defense and healthcare industries face significant risks from False Claims Act prosecutions and litigation. The Justice Department has an impressive record of annual recoveries totaling over $2 billion. A vibrant whistleblower community and legal practitioners create significant risks for companies in these industries. To...

Webinar — FCPA 2018: Update on Enforcement and Compliance Trends

FCPA 2018: Update on Enforcement and Compliance Trends Tuesday, September 25, 2018, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE FCPA enforcement continues as a major risk for global companies. Despite early concerns about the new administration’s commitment to aggressive FCPA enforcement, the DOJ and SEC continue to prosecute and settle FCPA cases against companies and individuals. Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov Laws Group, as...

Webinar: FCPA Risks and Mergers and Acquisitions

Webinar: FCPA Risks and Mergers and Acquisitions September 5, 2018, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE Companies confront significant anti-corruption risks when acquiring other businesses. Successor companies have to conduct pre-closing due diligence and manage anti-corruption risks in the integration process. The Justice Department and the SEC have aggressively enforced the FCPA and are now encouraging companies to voluntarily disclose FCPA misconduct and cooperate. Join...