Category: Podcasts

Episode 117 — FCPA Update: Samsung pays $75 million to settle FCPA charges; Braskem’s former CEO indicted on FCPA charges; and Transport’s co-CEO is convicted on FCPA charges

The Justice Department has been very busy in FCPA enforcement matters — (1) Samsung Heavy Industries paid $75 million to settle FCPA violations; (2) Braskem’s former CEO was indicted on FCPA charges; and (3) after a three-week trial, Transport’s co-CEO was convicted of FCPA charges. In this episode, Michael Volkov catches up on recent FCPA enforcement actions.

Episode 116 — Alstom Executive Convicted of FCPA and Money Laundering Offenses

Lawrence Hoskins, a UK citizen and former Alstom executive, was convicted last Friday on 11 of 12 counts for his role in a bribery scheme involving Indonesian officials.  Hoskins conviction took years to secure because of jurisdictional challenges and appeals.  Hoskins was originally indicted in 2013.  The jury deliberated for one day – a resounding victory for DOJ prosecutors.  Hoskins’ defense team launched an unusual defense, claiming that...

Episode 115 — Review of Recent Healthcare Fraud Enforcement Actions

The Justice Department has aggressively continued to pursue False Claims Act prosecutions against healthcare companies and physicians.  By the mid-point of 2019, DOJ had collected over $800 million against pharmaceutical and healthcare professionals.  In the last few months, DOJ has brought several significant prosecutions. In this Episode, Michael Volkov reviews recent healthcare fraud enforcement cases.

Episode 114 — Update on Board Member Liability for Compliance Oversight Failures

Corporate board members have an obligation to oversee and monitor a company’s compliance program.  In two recent cases, Delaware courts have tightened the standard governing board liability under the Caremark decision.  Several months ago, in a case involving the Blue Bell Ice Cream listeria outbreak, the Delaware Supreme Court applied a heightened standard when relating to “mission-critical” issues involving food safety to a food company.  In another...

Episode 113 — Managing Conflict of Interests Risks

Chief compliance officers are often responsible for managing a company’s conflicts of interest policy. A company can suffer serious legal and reputational harm if it fails to identify and mitigate conflicts of interest. The nature and scope of conflicts of interest vary across the organization, especially at senior management and board levels. Given the number and complexity of conflicts, CCOs have to devote adequate attention...

Episode 112 — Implementing an Effective Training Program

The government has stated that a well-designed compliance program includes “appropriately tailored training and communications.”  Compliance policies cannot work unless effectively communicated throughout a company. Communications and training programs ensure that directors, officers and employees are aware of and follow compliance policies and procedures.  Indeed, the Justice Department’s recent Evaluation of Compliance Program Guidance noted that integration of a company’s policies and procedures should include periodic training...

Episode 111 — How to Design and Implement an Antitrust Compliance Program

In July 2019, the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division issued its Guidance for Evaluation of Compliance Programs.  Based on this comprehensive document, companies need to review and enhance their antitrust compliance programs to address risks of anti-competitive cartel activity, including price-fixing, bid-rigging, territorial and customer allocations. In this Episode, Mike Volkov reviews the elements of an antitrust compliance programs and provides practical advice for implementing an...

Episode 110: SEC Settles Three FCPA Cases on One Day

In a record setting FCPA enforcement day, the SEC settled three separate FCPA enforcement actions on Friday, September 27, 2019.  The three cases involved: Quad/Graphics, a Wisconsin company; Barclays Bank, a global bank, and Westport Energy, a clean energy company, and its former CEO, Nancy Gougarty.  Each of the cases involved interesting enforcement facts and situations. in this Episode, Michael Volkov reviews each case and...

Episode 109 — The Business Roundtable Restatement of Corporate Purposes and the Importance of Ethical Leadership

In a significant development, the Business Roundtable issued a restatement of general corporate purpose.  The restatement embraces a number of important social trends and awareness of ethical culture and broader principles.  While the statement is laudatory, the proof will be in tangible actions taken to implement the broad and important purposes.   In this Episode, Michael Volkov examines the Business Roundtable Restatement and reflects on the...

Episode 108 — The Capital One Data Breach and Cybersecurity Vendor Risks

Capital One suffered a serious data breach as a result of the actions of one individual who downloaded nearly 30 GB of 100 million Capital One Financial Corporation credit applications from an Amazon cloud data server. The Capital One data breach underscores the risk of cyber breaches caused by a single bad actor who gained unauthorized access through Amazon’s could data server. This unfortunate data breach demonstrates...