Category: Podcasts

Podcast Episode 5 — Interview of Tom Fox

Corruption, Crime & Compliance is pleased to welcome Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist, for an interesting interview on Tom’s career, his vast compliance program and writing network, and his interesting perspectives on the compliance profession.

Podcast Episode 4 — Too Big To Fail, Too Big To Jail, DOJ’s Outsourcing of Criminal Investigations

The Department of Justice’s approach to criminal prosecution of corporations and individuals has evolved over the last 20 years. Beginning with the traditional model of building criminal cases, brick-by-brick, by investigating and prosecuting individuals, traditionally used to dismantle organized crime and drug trafficking/gang organizations, the Justice Department has now embraced a new model of enlisting corporations to conduct internal investigations, usually with the assistance of...

Podcast 3 — The Latest FCPA Undercover Sting — John Baptiste Case

Recently, the Justice Department announced the arrest of John Baptiste as part of an ongoing investigation into corruption in Haiti.  The arrest warrant affidavit outlines an undercover investigation, including Title III wiretaps of John Baptiste’s cellphone. In this podcast, Michael Volkov reviews the investigation of Baptiste, culminating in the arrest of Baptiste on August 28, 2017. A copy of the arrest warrant affidavit is here.

Podcast Episode 2 — Ethics and Profits

With the increased focus on corporate culture, chief compliance officers have to educate the board and senior management on the inextricable link between an ethical culture and financial profitability. In this episode of Corruption, Crime & Compliance, Michael Volkov outlines the link between ethical culture and sustainable growth.  During the episode, Michael refers to two studies on the subject.  The studies are noted below with...

New Podcast: Corruption, Crime and Compliance — Episode 1, A Review of Trump Administration Enforcement Priorities

I am pleased to announce the new Corruption, Crime & Compliance Podcast.  Episode 1 is, A Review of Trump Administration Enforcement Priorities. When the Trump Administration came into power, many commentators predicated that the Justice Department might significantly change enforcement priorities, especially FCPA enforcement.  As discussed in the podcast, the Justice Department’s strategies are not so clear at this point, but some trends can be...