Tagged: anti-corruption

Telefónica Pays $85.2 Million to Settle FCPA Charges involving Venezuela Bribery (Part I of III)

Telefónica Pays $85.2 Million to Settle FCPA Charges involving Venezuela Bribery (Part I of III)

Telefónica Venezolana C.A. (“Telefónica Venezolana”), the Venezuela-based subsidiary of Telefónica S.A. (Telefónica), the Spanish telecommunications company entered into a deferred prosecution agreement (“DPA”) and agreed to pay over $85.2 million to resolve DOJ FCPA charges stemming from bribery payments to Venezuelan government officials to secure preferential access to U.S. dollars in a currency auction. Telefónica Venezolana entered into a three-year DPA and the filing of a...

Episode 330 – Halyna Senyk on Anti-Corruption Progress in Ukraine

Halyna Senyk, a Senior Program advisor from the CEELI Institute, joins us to discuss anti-corruption progress and challenges in the Ukraine.  Halyna is responsible for managing the CEELI Institute’s anti-corruption portfolio.  Based in Prague, the CEELI Institute focuses on promoting the rule of law through professional training programs for judges, law enforcement, lawyers, prosecutors, civil society representatives and investigative journalists. While its main activities are...

Top Five Risks Facing Corporate Boards

Top Five Risks Facing Corporate Boards

A Top 5 list should be viewed with suspicion — it is often just a headline grabbing posting with the clear purpose to gain readers’ attention.  In defense, however, it is interesting to compare articles on risk rankings.  To start with the obvious, corporate boards face growing risks — the economy, the regulatory environment, cybersecurity threats, technology developments  and stakeholder interests are all colliding and...

Episode 243 — Scott Greytak, Transparency USA, and Erica Hanichak,  the FACT Coalition, on House Passage of The Enablers Act

Episode 243 — Scott Greytak, Transparency USA, and Erica Hanichak, the FACT Coalition, on House Passage of The Enablers Act

In a bipartisan success story, the House recently passed The Enablers Act, which is a far-reaching reform bill aimed at reducing AML and corrupt financial activity in the United States. Scott Greytak, Advocacy Director at Transparency International USA, and Erica Hanichak, Director of Government Affairs at the FACT Coalition, join Michael Volkov for a discussion of this legislative accomplishment and the implications for the battle...

Episode 198 — The Biden Administration Announces Anti-Corruption Battle as a National Security Interest

In a far-reaching action, the Biden Administration elevated the global fight against corruption as a national security interest. In an Executive Memorandum, the Biden Administration made a strong statement against corruption, citing the devastating impact that corruption has on democratic institutions, democratic governments, economic development, and other public interest objectives. The Administration launched a robust inter-agency review of the anti-corruption battle, including increased international cooperation,...

Blue Umbrella Webinar: Anti-Corruption Risks and Compliance Trends in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Life Science Industries

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 1 PM EST Sign-Up HERE Pharmaceutical, medical device and life science companies continue to face escalating anti-corruption risks in the global marketplace.  Companies in these industries face a complex global maze of foreign government laws and regulations that create significant risks for global companies in these sectors. The U.S. Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and foreign law enforcement...

Biden Administration Ramping Up Anti-Corruption Effort

Biden Administration Ramping Up Anti-Corruption Effort

The Biden Administration is taking over the reins of government with vigor and focus. The Department of Justice, the Treasury Department, the State Department and the Commerce Department are expected to coordinate closely in an important objective – international anti-corruption efforts.  What will this mean? DOJ will increase its focus on FCPA enforcement, Anti-Kleptocracy cases, Anti-Money Laundering, International Trade Sanctions; The Treasury Department’s Office of...

Dig a Little Deeper: The Importance of Beneficial Ownership

Dig a Little Deeper: The Importance of Beneficial Ownership

Companies interact with a large number of entities in the outside world – customers, third party intermediaries and vendors and suppliers to name the most significant ones. These relationships are the lifeblood of a company. In today’s world, companies have to know with whom they are dealing – not just the name of the company, not just the officers of the company, but the natural...

The Costs of Corruption

We always hear about the macroeconomic impact of corruption. Using large figures in the billions and even trillions (5 percent of global GDP) and painting catastrophic pictures of societal harm, anti-corruption advocates paint a terrifying picture of global, regional and specific country harm. These figures are fairly well established between world and regional development banks and provide ample motivation to join the fight against corruption....

Mexico’s New Anti-Corruption Initiative

Mexico’s New Anti-Corruption Initiative

Mexico has amended its laws and administrative procedures to implement a new and aggressive administrative anti-corruption regime. Mexico’s efforts have won praise from the OECD and other anti-corruption interest groups. The law extends new anti-corruption prohibitions beyond the federal level but to Mexican states and local governments. In the face of continuing controversies surrounding corruption in Mexico, President Pena Nieto, who ran a campaign in...