Tagged: Compliance

Global Construction and Corruption

Global Construction and Corruption

With increasing focus on infrastructure projects and greater public demand for improvements, governments are preparing to ramp up construction projects. Part of the budgeting process has to acknowledge the cost of corruption. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that construction and corruption go hand-in-hand. Corruption occurs in construction projects because of the incendiary mix of money, government bureaucracy, and lack of...

Webinar: How to Conduct FCPA Audits

Webinar: How to Conduct FCPA Audits

How to Conduct FCPA Audits   May 4, 2016, 12 Noon EST Sign Up Here  As companies implement anti-corruption compliance programs, the need for auditing and monitoring of their compliance programs increases. Companies have to structure an audit program to address significant risks and to identify potential weaknesses and problems. Mitigating those deficiencies can be a real challenge. Join Michael Volkov, CEO of The Volkov...

Finding “Compliance” Religion

Finding “Compliance” Religion

One of the more cynical “commitments” to compliance occurs when a company embraces compliance for the first time in response to a government investigation.  I call this  — finding “compliance” religion. When a company is under investigation or potentially under investigation, senior management embraces compliance and allocates resources to “protect” the company. We all know this is short-sighted thinking. A number of companies through the...

New and Important Compliance Standards in DOJ’s Recent FCPA Guidance (Part II of II)

New and Important Compliance Standards in DOJ’s Recent FCPA Guidance (Part II of II)

The importance of DOJ’s hiring of Hui Chen as Compliance Counsel was recently confirmed by DOJ’s release of new compliance remediation standards for FCPA compliance programs. DOJ has, once again, raised the bar on FCPA compliance programs. Compliance practitioners have a real and significant voice on behalf of the compliance function inside the Justice Department. In adopting a new pilot program for FCPA enforcement and...

Webinar: Review of Iran and Cuba Sanctions Programs — Compliance Challenges

Webinar: Review of Iran and Cuba Sanctions Programs — Compliance Challenges

Review of Iran and Cuba Sanctions Programs — Compliance Challenges February 16, 2016 12 Noon EST Sign Up Here The US government has implemented major changes to the Iran and Cuba sanctions programs. Recently, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets implemented major revisions effective on Implementation Day under the US-Iran Nuclear Agreement. For compliance professionals, the revised restrictions raise serious compliance challenges.  In addition...

Focusing on Due Diligence (Part II of IV)

Focusing on Due Diligence (Part II of IV)

He that can have patience can have what he will. – Benjamin Franklin Putting together an effective due diligence system requires patience. I freely admit that I am not a patient person, especially when it comes to ensuring ethics and compliance. By definition, however, effective compliance strategies require patience due to the scope and scale of the changes being implemented across a company. Due diligence is...

The Compliance Dangers of Cheerleaders and Nay-Sayers

The Compliance Dangers of Cheerleaders and Nay-Sayers

Compliance always boils down to people and interpersonal relationships. No man is an island, and no one can go it alone in compliance. One essential requirement for effective compliance is the ability to engage colleagues and your audience. Many senior executives are smart people –we all understand that. But too often senor executives embrace an interpersonal style of cheerleading. It allows them to appear to...

Five Ways to Ensure Board Support for Compliance

Five Ways to Ensure Board Support for Compliance

A Chief Compliance Officer has a number of important relationships to maintain in an organization. Aside from the support of senior level executives, the CCO has to build an effective working relationship with the board and the relevant board committee responsible for ethics and compliance. From an operational standpoint, a CCO has to use the board to advance an issue when frustrated by senior management....

Promoting Your Culture: Communications and Measurement

Promoting Your Culture: Communications and Measurement

As everyone knows, I am an advocate for promoting and maintaining a company’s culture of ethics and compliance (not compliance and ethics). The best investment a company can make is to create and maintain a positive commitment to an ethical culture. I often repeat myself (just ask my wife and kids), but a culture of ethics is far more important than well-designed and effective policies...