Tagged: corporate ethics

Episode 40 — How to Conduct a Corporate Culture Assessment

Episode 40 — How to Conduct a Corporate Culture Assessment

Research has consistently demonstrated that an ethical corporate culture results in increased profits and sustainable growth.  Companies with a positive culture have lower rates of employee misconduct, increased employee productivity, and lower employee turnover.  All of these factors lead to higher growth rates, improved employee morale, and a reduced risk of misconduct and government investigation. This basic premise holds true: when ethical values are embedded in a company’s...

Practical Ethics – The New Way to Advance an Ethical Culture

I have always been struck by the “feel good” advocacy and advice from so-called ethics “experts.”  Sure, it is great to talk about moral values, ethical principles, and other high-minded ideas that inspire an audience to embrace the value of an ethical culture.  But that is not really the point of promoting an ethical culture as part of a corporate culture. Let’s start with a...

Infusing Corporate Culture with Accountability

Infusing Corporate Culture with Accountability

If you are a fan of Simon Sinek, you will understand and probably agree with the thrust of this posting. Sinek is a great motivational and business speaker. Many of his observations are spot-on and I would urge you to review some – here are some samples (here, here, here, and here). Getting back to the importance of accountability in a corporation, let’s start with...