Category: Events

Michael Volkov and Matt Crome Speak on Third-Party Risk Management at the NAVEX Next Global Virtual Conference

Michael Volkov and Matt Crome Speak on Third-Party Risk Management at the NAVEX Next Global Virtual Conference

NAVEX announced its 11th annual global virtual conference. The opening day of the conference will be webcast on September 29, 2022. This year’s opening keynote will feature former Olympian and the first female president of U.S. Soccer, Cindy Parlow Cone. I am pleased to participate in the conference with Matt Crome in a session on the Future of Holistic Third-Party Risk Management — Trends to...

NAVEX and Volkov Law Webinar — Russia Sanctions: Impact on Your Third Party Compliance

NAVEX and Volkov Law Webinar — Russia Sanctions: Impact on Your Third Party Compliance

Webinar — Russia Sanctions: Impact on Your Third Party Compliance Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 1 pm EST Sign Up HERE The Volkov Law Group is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar sponsored by NAVEX on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 1 pm EST (10 am PST). Michael Volkov and Jesica Sanderson from The Volkov Law Group will be conducting the webinar. The Russia-Ukraine crisis has...

Webinar: Antitrust Criminal Enforcement in Labor Markets and Human Resource Compliance

Webinar: Antitrust Criminal Enforcement in Labor Markets January 26, 2022, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE The Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division has taken an aggressive stance in criminal enforcement in labor markets. To this end, the Antitrust Division has brought several significant criminal cases against aerospace executives, major healthcare and pharmaceutical companies and executives. DOJ has promised more criminal cases. Global companies face significant risks, and...

Two-Part Webinar: 2021 FCPA and Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance Reviews

Two-Part Webinar: 2021 FCPA and Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance Reviews

2021 FCPA Enforcement & Compliance Review January 5, 2022, 12 Noon EST Sign up HERE 2021 Sanctions Enforcement & Compliance Review January 12, 2022, 12 Noon EST Sign up HERE With the continuing impact of COVID-19 and economic disruptions, the Justice Department and the SEC continued to push FCPA enforcement. DOJ and the SEC repeated broad statements confirming continued aggressive enforcement programs. However, DOJ and SEC’s...

Webinar: How to Conduct a Compliance Program Assessment

Webinar: How to Conduct a Compliance Program Assessment

Webinar: How to Conduct a Compliance Program Assessment December 1, 2021, 12 noon EST Sign Up HERE Global companies face ever-increasing expectations as to the effectiveness of their respective ethics and compliance program. Government prosecutors and regulators are less tolerant to weaknesses in ethics and compliance programs. In addition, stakeholders and investors are demanding improved corporate governance performance as an essential part of a company’s ESG program....

Two-Part Webinar: A Deep Dive into the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Two-Part Webinar: A Deep Dive into the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Session 1 September 14, 2021, 12 Noon EST Sign Up HERE Session 2 October 5, 2021, 12 Noon EST Sign up HERE Global companies continue to face aggressive FCPA enforcement risks. The Biden Administration has defined global anti-corruption as a national security threat and is in the process of leading a robust initiative to increase global enforcement. The FCPA is the global foundation for anti-corruption...

Webinar: Policy Management, Governance and Leveraging Your Culture of Compliance

Webinar: Policy Management, Governance and Leveraging Your Culture of Compliance

Webinar: Policy Management, Governance and Leveraging Your Culture of Compliance June 16, 2021, 2 PM EST SIGN UP HERE Companies today face increasing pressure to build effective ethics and compliance programs as part of an overall governance structure. Investors, activists and key stakeholders are pushing for transformative reforms built around environmental, social and governance principles. An essential part of this initiative is a well-designed policy...

Blue Umbrella Webinar: Anti-Corruption Risks and Compliance Trends in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Life Science Industries

Blue Umbrella Webinar: Anti-Corruption Risks and Compliance Trends in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Life Science Industries

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 1 PM EST Sign-Up HERE Pharmaceutical, medical device and life science companies continue to face escalating anti-corruption risks in the global marketplace.  Companies in these industries face a complex global maze of foreign government laws and regulations that create significant risks for global companies in these sectors. The U.S. Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and foreign law enforcement...

Webinar: Leverage Due Diligence to Improve Enterprise-Wide Risk Management

Webinar: Leverage Due Diligence to Improve Enterprise-Wide Risk Management

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 1 PM EST/10 AM PST Sign Up Here When it comes to risk, you don’t know what you don’t know. And, in some cases, you don’t know what you do know. The latter can describe the current state of third-party risk management. This session will explain how to create a forward thinking risk management program that identifies and incorporates all the risk information...

Webinar: Proactive Compliance,  Monitoring, and Testing Strategies

Webinar: Proactive Compliance, Monitoring, and Testing Strategies

Webinar: Proactive Compliance, Monitoring and Testing Strategies Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 12 Noon EST Sign Up Here Compliance is rapidly evolving bringing together technology, data analytics and real-time monitoring capabilities.  Compliance functions have to incorporate these capabilities to implement effective and cost-effective solutions. Michael Volkov and Jonathan Marks from Baker Tilly review this rapidly changing environment in this joint webinar.