Category: Podcasts

Episode 225 — Interview of Susan Divers, LRN Senior Advisor, on LRN’s 2022 Ethics and Compliance Program Effectiveness Report

Episode 225 — Interview of Susan Divers, LRN Senior Advisor, on LRN’s 2022 Ethics and Compliance Program Effectiveness Report

Susan Divers, LRN Senior Advisor, reviews LRN’s 2022 Ethics and Compliance Program Effectiveness Report. LRN conducts an annual Ethics and Compliance Program Effectiveness Report (“LRN Report”) that is a must-read for business leaders, managers, investors, compliance professionals and other stakeholders. LRN’s annual report has addressed key issues surrounding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on companies and ethics and compliance programs. 

Episode 224 — 2022 Ethics and Compliance Predictions

Episode 224 — 2022 Ethics and Compliance Predictions

Ethics and compliance professionals believe in their mission – if they did not, they would not be in the field. E&C professionals believe in the power of positive thinking, ethical conduct, and in the overall ability of an organization to operate as an “ethical” company. They work for their mission and it is a positive mission.  The New Year is a great time for E&C professionals...

Episode 223 — DOJ Issues FCPA Opinion Letter Drawing Lines on “Corrupt Intent” and “Business Purpose” Test

Even with the absence of any major DOJ FCPA enforcement actions, DOJ issued an interesting FCPA Opinion Letter last week addressing application of the FCPA in circumstances where organizations face imminent serious bodily harm.  While the situation may appear to be unique, it is a factual scenario that occurs more often than DOJ recognizes. In October 2021, a Requestor submitted an Opinion Letter application that...

Episode 222 — Managing Third-Party Sanctions Risks

Economic sanctions enforcement is a fast-rising risk for global companies. For many years, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (“OFAC”) focused primarily on financial institutions. Over the last ten years, OFAC has stretched its enforcement eyes towards software, manufacturing, telecommunications and technology companies. With this growth in sanctions enforcement, OFAC has embraced an aggressive view of third-party risks. Like the FCPA, under OFAC’s regime, third parties...

Episode 221 — The “Person” of the Year: Environmental Social and Governance Programs

Episode 221 — The “Person” of the Year: Environmental Social and Governance Programs

One of my favorite New Year’s reviews is under the title of “Person” of the Year. In the past, I have singled out Chief Compliance Officers, Chief Ethics Officers, Prosecutors, and Whistleblowers. For 2021, the choice is obvious – the most important trend is the rise of Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) programs. In second place, I would choose Supply Chain Management and Risks, given the...

Episode 220 — DOJ NatWest Markets Fraud Spoofing Enforcement Action

Episode 220 — DOJ NatWest Markets Fraud Spoofing Enforcement Action

The Department of Justice secured a guilty plea from NatWest Markets, the newly-named Royal Bank of Scotland, for trade manipulation, referred to as “spoofing,” in U.S. Treasury markets. The NatWest resolution reflected new changes in DOJ’s white collar enforcement policies, including acknowledgement and consideration of NatWest’s prior misconduct (criminal and civil) and appointment of an independent compliance monitor. NatWest was not offered a deferred or non-prosecution...

Episode 219 — Antitrust Division Indicts Six Aerospace Executives for Criminal Conspiracy in Labor Markets

Episode 219 — Antitrust Division Indicts Six Aerospace Executives for Criminal Conspiracy in Labor Markets

In a major development, the Antitrust Division returned an indictment against six executives from aerospace engineering firms for an illegal conspiracy to restrict competition in the labor market for aerospace engineers. After warning U.S. businesses, DOJ started bringing criminal cases against businesses that restrict competition for labor through illegal price-fixing or no-poach agreements. The Connecticut criminal case represents a major step in the Justice Department’s...

Episode 218 — The Biden Administration’s New Strategy on Countering Corruption

Episode 218 — The Biden Administration’s New Strategy on Countering Corruption

The Biden Administration announced a new, comprehensive anti-corruption initiative, the United States Strategy on Countering Corruption. The new anti-corruption initiative is the follow on to the earlier announcement elevating the global anti-corruption battle to a national security concern. After that announcement, the Biden Administration conducted a 200-day inter-agency examination to develop a comprehensive government-wide anti-corruption initiative. The 38-page plan released last week outlines steps for cracking...

Episode 217: The Growing Risk of Corporate Board Member Liability

Episode 217: The Growing Risk of Corporate Board Member Liability

The Delaware Chancery Court is continuing its trend of permitting Caremark claims against corporate board members who fail to exercise proper oversight and monitoring of compliance programs. Over the past few years, the Delaware Chancery Court has consistently raised the stakes and expectation for Board member performance on corporate boards. In this Episode, Michael Volkov reviews the current board member liability cases and the Court’s recent...

Episode 216 — Tom Fox Releases the Second Edition of The Compliance Handbook

Episode 216 — Tom Fox Releases the Second Edition of The Compliance Handbook

Tom Fox is a leader in the ethics and compliance field. He is regularly referred to as the “Compliance Evangelist.” Tom has just released the Second Edition of The Compliance Handbook, a comprehensive review and guide to the elements of an effective ethics and compliance program. Tom is known for his practical and efficient approach to difficult ethics and compliance issues. His new Handbook is...