Featured Articles:

Novartis and Alcon FCPA Enforcement Action: Lessons Learned (Part III of III)

Novartis and Alcon FCPA Enforcement Action: Lessons Learned (Part III of III)

The Novartis and Alcon FCPA enforcement action is chock full of interesting issues.  See Novartis DPA Here , Alcon DPA Here and SEC Novartis Order Here. At the outset, Novartis is “lucky” – the settlement is relatively positive, despite its 2016 SEC enforcement action in China.  Given Novartis weak culture of compliance (if anything, a better description may be a culture of non-compliance) and its...

Novartis and Alcon:  A Review of Bribery and Accounting Violations (Part II of III)

Novartis and Alcon: A Review of Bribery and Accounting Violations (Part II of III)

Novartis and Alcon engaged in separate but significant bribery schemes.  Considering the fact that Novartis had a similar violation in 2016 in China involving much of the same conduct, Novartis’ conduct reflects a weak corporate culture of compliance. Novartis’ conduct is all the more troubling given its enforcement record on domestic False Claims Act and anti-kickback prosecutions.  Novartis has real compliance and culture problems, apparently...

Novartis and Alcon Settle FCPA Violations for $345 Million (Part I of III)

Novartis and Alcon Settle FCPA Violations for $345 Million (Part I of III)

Even during this difficult time of the pandemic, economic uncertainty and social unrest, the Justice Department and the SEC have concluded a major FCPA enforcement action.  Novartis and Alcon (which was a Novartis subsidiary at the time of the misconduct) agreed to pay a total of $345 million in criminal and civil penalties.  Novartis spun off Alcon in 2019. Under the DOJ settlement, Novartis and...

Episode 148 — A Review of the Novartis & Alcon FCPA Enforcement Action

Episode 148 — A Review of the Novartis & Alcon FCPA Enforcement Action

Even during this difficult time of the pandemic, economic uncertainty and social unrest, the Justice Department and the SEC have concluded a major FCPA enforcement action.  Novartis and Alcon (which was a Novartis subsidiary at the time of the misconduct) agreed to pay a total of $345 million in criminal and civil penalties.  Novartis spun off Alcon in 2019. Under the DOJ settlement, Novartis and...

Building a Robust Post-Acquisition Integration Process (Part II of II)

Building a Robust Post-Acquisition Integration Process (Part II of II)

Companies that rely on mergers and acquisition for growth have to build robust post-acquisition integration policies and controls.  Such a requirement applies not only to ethics and compliance program integration but to overall business operations.  Successful companies employ a robust pre-acquisition planning process, incorporating ethics and compliance  as an important part of the overall integration process. Compliance officers have to participate in the integration process...

DOJ’s Revised  Compliance Guidance: The Refocus of Mergers and Acquisitions Risks and Mitigation (Part I of II)

DOJ’s Revised Compliance Guidance: The Refocus of Mergers and Acquisitions Risks and Mitigation (Part I of II)

The Justice Department’s recent revisions to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs highlights an important trend and evolution of prosecution focus.  DOJ’s Revised Corporate Compliance Guidance recognized and reinforced the continuing focus on post-acquisition integration versus pre-acquisition due diligence.  For years, DOJ and compliance professionals placed significant emphasis on pre-acquisition due diligence.  This balance has been adjusted over the last ten years to raise the...

Bumble Bee CEO Sentenced to 40 Months in Prison for Price-Fixing

Bumble Bee CEO Sentenced to 40 Months in Prison for Price-Fixing

After a lengthy sentencing hearing in federal court in San Francisco, Bumble Bee CEO Chris Lischewski was sentenced to 40 months in prison for his involvement in a tuna price-fixing conspiracy.  The judge rejected prosecutors’ request to sentence Lischewski to 10 years in prison. Lischewski, who is 59 years old, argued for 12 months home confinement in view of the coronavirus.  Judge Chen also imposed a...

Insider Trading by Members of Congress:  An Enforcement Nightmare?

Insider Trading by Members of Congress: An Enforcement Nightmare?

Several members of Congress have been implicated in potential insider trading scandals stemming from stock transactions that occurred at the beginning of COVID-19 crisis before the major stock market decline.  As reported by the press, members of Congress were regularly being briefed on the implications of the spreading virus.  Some of the members were making public statements discounting the significance of the virus. Senators Kelly...

Episode 147 — DOJ’s Revised Compliance Guidance and Refocus of Merger and Acquisitions Risks

Episode 147 — DOJ’s Revised Compliance Guidance and Refocus of Merger and Acquisitions Risks

The Justice Department’s recent revisions to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs highlights an important trend and evolution of prosecution focus.  DOJ’s Revised Corporate Compliance Guidance recognized and reinforced the continuing focus on post-acquisition integration versus pre-acquisition due diligence.  For years, DOJ and compliance professionals placed significant emphasis on pre-acquisition due diligence.  This balance has been adjusted over the last ten years to raise the...

Antitrust Compliance Lessons Learned from Chicken Price-Fixing investigation and Indictment (Part III of III)

Antitrust Compliance Lessons Learned from Chicken Price-Fixing investigation and Indictment (Part III of III)

The Antitrust Division’s recent indictment of the boiler chicken executives provided an important reminder to compliance officers on the importance of an effective antitrust compliance program.  With last year’s Guidance on Antitrust Compliance, DOJ has provided a roadmap for compliance officers to design and implement an effective compliance program.  Executive Level Participation and C-Suite Risk Assessment:  As described in the indictment, the price-fixing and bid-rigging...