Tagged: artificial intelligence

Emerging AI Risk and Compliance Frameworks (Part I of II)

The new compliance cottage industry surrounds artificial intelligence.  We are at such an early stage of AI development — companies are still figuring out how they can employ the technology.  Some industries, such as financial institutions, however, have been using AI for fraud detection and other issues.  I expect financial institutions will set the tone for much of compliance practices around AI. There is no...

“Person” of the Year: Technology and the Challenges for Ethics and Compliance

I always enjoy retrospective “year in review” postings to start off the new year.  For years, I have sought to identify and capture important compliance trends, typically focused on specific professionals in the compliance arena.  This year, however,  is a little different.  Compliance is at an important inflection point.  Corporate business headlines have been dominated by technology issues.  I am not convinced that these headlines...

Episode 304 — Natalie Druckmann, VP from Certa, on Cutting Edge Third-Party Risk Management

Natalie Druckmann, Vice President at Certa, joins Michael Volkov to discuss third-party risk management and the use of advanced artificial intelligence to implement effective risk mitigation strategies. Natalie sets the strategy for Certa’s expansion into the EMEA markets and growing Certa’s customer base with the use of Certa’s advanced AI tool — CertaAssist. CertaAssist’s suite of intelligent solutions include: The initial roll-out of CertaAssist has...

Biden Administration Issues Sweeping Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence

The Biden Administration issued a sweeping Executive Order directing a broad set of government actions addressing consumer harms, discrimination, privacy protections and other issues stemming from the widespread use of artificial intelligence.  While the Executive Order sets forth a set of requirements to various federal agencies, the actions will establish important standards and expectations applicable to the federal government and have a resulting impact on...

The Volkov Law Group and Diligent Unveil New AI Certification for Board Members

The Volkov Law Group is pleased to have participated in both the curriculum development phase and the content creation phase with our dear friends at Diligent, addressing the timely issue of artificial intelligence (“AI”) in the corporate arena with a focus on reinforcing basic ethics and compliance principles. Through a series of courses—aptly titled “AI Ethics and Oversight Board Certification”—participants will receive feedback from a...

Board Oversight and Monitoring of Artificial Intelligence Risks

Corporate boards face a panoply of risks – and the nature of these risks are quickly evolving.  Cybersecurity has quickly risen to the top of the list of corporate risks.  Add to that the new SEC regulations on cybersecurity disclosures, and board members face serious and escalating risks surrounding ransomware attacks, data breaches and other technical issues. The challenge – board members are not cyber...

Episode 154 — Artificial Intelligence, Data Risk Management: Interview of Christian Focacci from Steele Compliance Solutions

Steele Compliance Solutions announced the global rollout of its new “Risk Intelligence Data” platform.  Companies are suffering from information overload — with new technologies, companies can manage information to increase efficiency and accuracy in collecting and analyzing information needed for risk management purposes. Risk Intelligence Data involves the hybridization of over 5 million of highly trusted risk and compliance sources worldwide, spanning global financial crime...

Steele Announces New “Risk Intelligence Data” Platform

Steele Announces New “Risk Intelligence Data” Platform

Last week, Steele Compliance Solutions announced the global rollout of its new “Risk Intelligence Data” platform. As a global leader in ethics and compliance data management technologies, Steele makes a patented addition to the compliance technology landscape that is well-positioned to continue raising the bar for data processing and automation of third-party relationships. One downfall of many traditional compliance databases is that they risk being...

Third-Party Risk Management: Managing the Information Flow

Third-Party Risk Management: Managing the Information Flow

We are living in rapidly changing times.  I know it sounds trite but it is amazing when you witness rapid innovation and change.  Even in our narrow corner of life involving ethics and compliance, we can see change occurring right before our eyes. When you review due diligence and third-party risk management, there has certainly been significant advances in capabilities to identify risks, uncover relevant...

Ethics and Compliance Trends: Humans and Automation, Intelligence and Technology

For me, the year-end retrospectives have become a rite of passage.  While there has been modest changes and trends in the enforcement arena, I am amazed each year at the pace at which compliance as a discipline and a profession continues to move forward. While there is much that is written about compliance and current or immediate trends, in reality, on the ground, compliance as...