Tagged: DOJ

Episode 305 — Deep Dive into the SAP FCPA Settlement

Episode 305 — Deep Dive into the SAP FCPA Settlement

SAP agreed to a three-year deferred prosecution agreement, in exchange for the payment of approximately $220 million in penalties for bribe payments made to South African and Indonesia government officials.  DOJ’s resolution includes a criminal penalty of $118.8 million and forfeiture of $103.4 million, along with a credit of $55.1 million against amounts paid by SAP to South African law enforcement authorities, and the full...

SAP’s Bribery Schemes — Systemic Corruption Around the Globe (Part II of III)

SAP’s Bribery Schemes — Systemic Corruption Around the Globe (Part II of III)

When it comes to FCPA enforcement and expectations, DOJ has moved the goalposts.  Some would argue that DOJ has been consistent all along.  The truth, like most issues, lies somewhere between the extremes.  With lots of fanfare, DOJ implemented a new Corporate Enforcement Program to udnerscore its intent to examine the criminal and civil enforcement history of corporate defendants when considering an appropriate penalty.  This...

SAP Returns to U.S. Enforcement Scene: Pays DOJ and SEC Over $220 Million to Resolve FCPA Violations (Part I of III)

SAP Returns to U.S. Enforcement Scene: Pays DOJ and SEC Over $220 Million to Resolve FCPA Violations (Part I of III)

Life is always filled with surprises.  Just when we thought 2023 was a “slow” FCPA enforcement year, DOJ and SEC announced a large enforcement action against SAP for approximately $220 million for FCPA violations in South Africa, and Indonesia.  The SEC’s enforcement action for $98 million includes SAP FCPA violations in Greater Africa and Azerbaijan. SAP is no stranger to U.S, enforcement agencies.  In 2021,...

DOJ and CFTC Close Out Slow FCPA Enforcement Year with $98 Million Resolution with Freepoint Commodities LLC (Part I of II)

DOJ and CFTC Close Out Slow FCPA Enforcement Year with $98 Million Resolution with Freepoint Commodities LLC (Part I of II)

The Justice Department’s FCPA enforcement record for 2024 was slow.  This  trend was unexpected, contrary to my own predictions and of various other prognosticators.  It is hard to explain why this slowdown occurred. DOJ’s record is hard to square against DOJ official speeches, statements and policy changes, which all were premised on an expectation of increased enforcement over prior years.  In its last FCPA enforcement...

DOJ Repeats Warnings on Aggressive Criminal Enforcement of Sanctions and Export Controls

DOJ Repeats Warnings on Aggressive Criminal Enforcement of Sanctions and Export Controls

As everyone knows, I tend to repeat myself — DOJ does as well.  Over the past year, DOJ has warned global companies — over and over — about the coming criminal enforcement storm against companies for sanctions and export control violations.  Deputy Attorney General Monaco coined the phrase — “the new FCPA,” to reiterate that companies would be prosecuted akin to FCPA enforcement, meaning that...

Episode 300 — Deep Dive into DOJ FCPA Settlement with Two U.K. Reinsurance Companies for Bribery in Ecuador

Episode 300 — Deep Dive into DOJ FCPA Settlement with Two U.K. Reinsurance Companies for Bribery in Ecuador

DOJ announced settlements with two U.K.-based reinsurance brokers, H.W. Wood Limited (“Wood”) and Tysers Insurance Brokers (“Tysers”) for their participation in a bribery scheme involving Seguros Sucre S.A. (“Sucre”) and Seguros Rocafuerte S.A. (“Rocafuerte”), two state-owned insurance companies in Ecuador.  Wood and Tysers each entered into a three-year deferred prosecution agreement with DOJ and agreed to the filing of a criminal information in the Southern...

Albemarle Settles DOJ and SEC FCPA Cases for $218 Million (Part I of III)

Albemarle Settles DOJ and SEC FCPA Cases for $218 Million (Part I of III)

Albemarle Corporation (Albemarle), a specialty chemicals manufacturing company located in Charlotte, North Carolina, agreed to pay more than $218 million to settle FCPA investigations with DOJ and the SEC stemming from bribery payments in Vietnam, Indonesia and India. Albemarle entered into a three-year non-prosecution agreement (“NPA”) with DOJ and agreed to pay a penalty of approximately $98.2 million and an administrative forfeiture of approximately $98.5...

Webinar: Elevating Your Sanctions and Export Controls Compliance Program

October 24, 2023 12 Noon EST Sign up HERE The Department of Justice warned global companies of a new, aggressive strategy for enforcement of trade sanctions and export controls. DOJ’s message has been reinforced by the Departments of Treasury (Office of Foreign Asset Control, or “OFAC”) as to sanctions, and the Department of Commerce (Bureau of Industry and Security, or “BIS”), as to export controls....

Do We Really Need an ISO Standard for Internal Investigations?

Do We Really Need an ISO Standard for Internal Investigations?

Call me a skeptic.  Call me cynical. I understand that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides valuable standardization services and guidance.  The ISO is comprised of 169 member countries. The ISO recently issued a new standard governing internal investigations.  From my vantage point, I was a critic of ISO 37001, anti-corruption compliance,  because of its over-generalization and failure to provide more specific guidance on...

DOJ’s National Security Division Places Corporate Crime in the Crosshairs

DOJ’s National Security Division Places Corporate Crime in the Crosshairs

Sam Finkelstein, an associate at The Volkov Law Group, rejoins us for a posting on DOJ’s initiative to increase corporate prosecution of sanctions, export controls and national security issues. Sam can be reached at [email protected]. The marriage of corporate enforcement and national security has been a defining feature of the DOJ under the Biden Administration. The Justice Department’s commitment to prosecuting corporate crimes that implicate...