Tagged: Tom Fox

Episode 311: Tom Fox on FCPA Enforcement — DOJ’s Approach to Recidivism and Self-Disclosure

In this special episode of Corruption, Crime, and Compliance, Michael Volkov joins colleague and long-time friend Tom Fox as they delve into the intricacies of recent FCPA enforcement actions, shedding light on the evolving landscape of corporate compliance. From the ABB case to the SAP settlement, Michael and Tom dissect the nuances of voluntary disclosure, extensive remediation, and the shifting priorities of the Department of...

Diligent Podcast: Alex Cotoia and Tom Fox Discuss Corporate Culture Issues

Alex Cotoia, Regulatory Manager at The Volkov Law Group, joined Tom Fox for a Diligent-Sponsored Podcast on building a stronger culture of compliance. You can listen to the Podcast Here. Tom Fox conducted a special series this week on building a stronger culture of compliance through targeted and effective training sponsored by Diligent. This week, Tom visited with Yvette Hollingsworth-Clark, Viktor Culjak, Jessica Czeczuga, Michael...

Episode 257: 2022 FCPA Year in Review Featuring Tom Fox

The Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission bounced back in 2022 to restore their records for aggressive FCPA enforcement.  At the same time, DOJ announced significant new compliance program expectations, and appeared ready to press forward with a number of FCPA resolutions. Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist and Leader of the Compliance Podcast Network, joins Michael Volkov for a comprehensive review of 2022...

Episode 216 — Tom Fox Releases the Second Edition of The Compliance Handbook

Tom Fox is a leader in the ethics and compliance field. He is regularly referred to as the “Compliance Evangelist.” Tom has just released the Second Edition of The Compliance Handbook, a comprehensive review and guide to the elements of an effective ethics and compliance program. Tom is known for his practical and efficient approach to difficult ethics and compliance issues. His new Handbook is...

Episode 215 — Tom Fox and Michael Volkov Discuss the Board Governance Implications of the Boeing 737 MAX Safety Scandal

The Boeing 737 MAX scandal is a troublesome and disturbing case where corporate board oversight and responsibility was lacking. The implications of the board’s failure resulted in the killing of innocent passengers and the grounding of Boeing’s 737 MAX. Add to that a $2.5 billion settlement, a criminal case against a Chief Technical Pilot, and continuing safety and technical problems, and you have recipe for continuing disaster...

Tom Fox Releases The Compliance Handbook 2nd Edition

Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist, has announced the release of his Compliance Handbook, Second Edition.  Tom is a compliance leader and his handbook is a must read for all ethics and compliance professionals.  The Second Edition provides practical and helpful solutions on important ethics and compliance issues.  It is comprehensive, accessible and a must-have for every ethics and compliance professional.  Tom has teamed up with...

Episode 179: Tom Fox and Mike Volkov Discuss the Biden Justice Department and Enforcement Issues

President Biden has nominated Merrick Garland and Lisa Monaco to head the U.S Department of Justice.  In addition, the Biden Administration has nominated a number of strong enforcement candidates to head up various regulatory agencies.  The implications of this new team across the government will be significant on various industry sectors. Tom Fox joins Mike Volkov to discuss the new Justice Department leadership and the...

Tom Fox Podcast Featuring John Fons, Former Head of Compliance at Modine, on CCO Challenges

John Fons, former head of Modine Manufacturing in Wisconsin, joins Tom Fox for a fascinating podcast discussion on compliance issues. John Fons is a former client, a long-time friend and professional colleague. He offers a valuable perspective on compliance issues, board relationships, and effective compliance oversight and strategies. The Podcast is available HERE.

Tom Fox’s 500th Podcast Episode Celebration

Congratulations to my good friend and colleague Tom Fox for his extraordinary accomplishment — his 500th Podcast Episode. Tom has been a leader in the ethics and compliance industry for over a decade. Tom’s 500th Episode is Here. I was honored to participate with Tom and my friends and colleagues, Jonathan Marks, Matt Kelly, Jonathan Armstrong, and Jay Rosen in recording a series of podcasts...

Why a Duck: Tom Fox and Michael Volkov Discuss COVID-19 and Compliance

Tom Fox and I recently got together for a five-part series on COVID-19 and compliance issues. Here are the episodes and links: Part 1: Business Ethics Matter Even More Now — HERE Part 2: Board of Directors and Crisis Management — HERE Part 3: Why Compliance Never Sleeps — HERE Part 4: The Role of the CCO — HERE Part 5: Leadership and Final Thoughts...