Tagged: Tom Fox

Episode 100 — Interview of Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist

Episode 100 — Interview of Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist

In celebration of the 100th episode of Corruption Crime and Compliance, Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist and Leader, is our guest.  Tom and Mike discuss Tom Fox’s current Compliance Podcast Network, his entertaining Star Trek summer compliance podcast series, his perspective on the recent government compliance guidance, his insights into the compliance profession, technology developments and the future of compliance.  As always, Tom’s perspective on...

Tom Fox and Michael Volkov Discuss Cognizant Technologies FCPA SEC Settlement, Declination and Criminal Indictment of Two Executives

Tom Fox and Michael Volkov Discuss Cognizant Technologies FCPA SEC Settlement, Declination and Criminal Indictment of Two Executives

Tom Fox and I discuss the recent FCPA enforcement action involving Cognizant Technologies. Cognizant settled FCPA violations with the SEC for approximately $25 million, received a declination from the Justice Department under the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy, and Cognizant’s former president and general counsel were indicted for criminal FCPA violations and charged by the SEC with civil violations. Tom and I recorded a podcast to...

Convercent Webinar — FCPA Enforcement: What Happened in 2018? (Plus, What’s in Store For 2019)

Convercent Webinar — FCPA Enforcement: What Happened in 2018? (Plus, What’s in Store For 2019)

Join Tom Fox, Katie Smith and me on December 18, 2018 at 11am Mountain Time during a dynamic webinar reviewing the  top FCPA enforcement actions of the year. Sign Up HERE More importantly, what does it all mean for the compliance professional going forward? How can companies mitigate third-party risks to avoid enforcement actions like the $585 million criminal penalty given to Société Générale or the $137.4 penalty levied...

New Episode Everything Compliance: The Five-Year Retrospective Edition

New Episode Everything Compliance: The Five-Year Retrospective Edition

Tom Fox, Matt Kelly, Jonathan Armstrong, Jay Rosen and myself recently recorded a new episode of Everything Compliance — Five-Year Retrospective Edition.   You can listen to it here. Everything Compliance is the only roundtable podcast in compliance, with four of the top compliance practitioners around. This week the gang returns to its four focused topics on its Five-Year Retrospective Edition. Matt Kelly considers how did...

Episode 48: Tom Fox and Michael Volkov Review FCPA Enforcement for First Half of 2018

Episode 48: Tom Fox and Michael Volkov Review FCPA Enforcement for First Half of 2018

FCPA enforcement in the first half of 2018 continued at a steady pace.  The first half of 2018 included several significant corporate and individual prosecutions for FCPA violations.  Tom Fox and Michael Volkov review FCPA enforcement and identify significant trends and enforcement actions. Tom Fox has released his new compliance book — The Compliance Handbook, which is available at HERE

New Episode Everything Compliance — Four of a Kind Edition

New Episode Everything Compliance — Four of a Kind Edition

Tom Fox, Matt Kelly, Jonathan Armstrong, Jay Rosen and myself recently recorded a new episode of Everything Compliance — Four of a Kind Edition.  You can listen to it here. Everything Compliance is the only roundtable podcast in compliance, with four of the top compliance practitioners around. This week the gang returns to its four focused topics on its Four of a Kind edition. After...

Tom Fox’s Valuable Contribution to the Compliance Profession – The Complete Compliance Handbook

Tom Fox’s Valuable Contribution to the Compliance Profession – The Complete Compliance Handbook

Tom Fox has been called the “Compliance Evangelist.”  Whatever title may be given to Tom, one thing is for sure – Tom is a steady force, providing practical advice to advance the compliance function. To that end, Tom’s latest contribution is a new tome – The Complete Compliance Handbook: A Guide to Operationalizing Your Compliance Program.  I recently received my autographed copy of Tom’s new...

Episode 39 — Tom Fox’s New Book — The Complete Compliance Handbook

Episode 39 — Tom Fox’s New Book — The Complete Compliance Handbook

Tom Fox is a thought leader for the ethics and compliance profession.  He is a prolific writer who has produced a steady body of work — podcasts, books, blogs, articles — to advance the compliance function.  He is knowledgeable, practical and insightful on how to implement and maintain an effective compliance program. Tom has just released a new and important book — The Complete Compliance Handbook. ...